We have all been anxiously awaiting to see construction begin, but don’t think that things aren’t progressing because the construction zone isn’t in full swing. Permits, hard hats, and blueprints are in hand, and demolition is around the corner! We do have a special demo day planned for 8th and 9th graders and can’t wait for them to join in the construction kick off in the coming days. Real progress has been happening in planning and let’s review some of the important basics.
Facilities are important and we are excited about those building plans, but what truly makes a school are the people.
-Teachers, support staff, coaches, administrators, and Bible study leaders who train, teach, and equip your child with a Biblical worldview while preparing them for their future
-Students who are continually growing in their faith and growing in their academic, athletic, and artistic talents and interests
-Chapel speakers, classroom guest lecturers, and church leaders who share their wisdom and talents with us
-Parents who partner with us to walk alongside and guide students during their teen years. CCS has always been about people
We couldn’t be more excited about the dedicated staff and families that the Lord has called here at this moment, families deliberately partnering with us and families who wholeheartedly share our mission. Employment interest in the high school has been astounding, yet school leaders have marked out a deliberate approach to who and when we will add to our faculty and staff to enhance the school’s high school expansion. Interviews on both the athletic and the academic front have begun. We already have two great additions to our roster: Coach Craig McCabe, soccer coach, is our first athletic expansion, and Mrs. Allie Singleton has joined our secondary math department. These are two people we knew we wanted to join us in this journey, and we are thrilled at their new posts.
Maggie Ingram, our Dean of Faculty, and Cheri Creel, our Student Affairs Director, have been busy over the summer looking into curriculum, scheduling, graduation requirements, advanced placement vs dual enrollment questions, etc. Our Leadership Team has worked to examine worthwhile activities to supplement our academic programs. We have added a Sporting Clay Club, a Chess Team, and a MathCounts Team this year as we strategically expand those offerings. They have done a great deal of heavy lifting to make certain that these details are in place.
We will of course continue on with great worldview training in each of our subject disciplines. Dr. Ben Rogers’ passion to continue that strong biblical teaching in the high school ranks is inspiring to all of us! We all want to audit his classes.
Coming Up: a link to his video presentation at Back to School Night that explains the plan for high school Bible, worldview formation, and your student’s preparation for all that awaits.
Don’t miss this! Our Freshmen Forums have begun, providing dedicated time with the freshman class to discuss academic expectations, character development, leadership and service opportunities, and college and career readiness. This is a dedicated time of great preparation for students. Freshmen Power Lunches also begin this month. In an effort to expose our students to different careers and callings as well as what is happening in our city and state, we will meet up with a professional once a month over lunch who will share their story with us. I truly believe that these low key, yet “power”ful lunches will provide our students with a significant challenge to think towards their own futures. These elements are important aspects to help students choose electives, meet college entry requirements, and prepare for what is next.
I had the privilege last month of getting out for a vision trip where I visited eight schools. It was a fact finding trip of sorts; I wanted to visit face to face with administrators and ask about their vision, mission, goals, culture, challenges, traditions, successes, and failures. Oxford (Regents), Memphis (Westminster and MUS), Nashville (Christ Pres. Academy and Montgomery Bell Academy), Chattanooga (Chattanooga Prep and McCallie), and Birmingham (Westminster) all shared wisdom and experience from which we can build. I also probed further about hiring, tuition, technology, dances, activities, sports, college counseling, etc. The takeaways were many; we look forward to implementing new ideas into our plan moving forward!
The trip was a reminder of why I am excited to work at CCS during this time. We have a great leadership team in place. We have followed our mission well. We hold biblical truth high. We have a strong relationship with our church, Pear Orchard, that supports us, encourages us, and holds us accountable to our mission. We have a consistent track record of producing graduates who have performed well academically and athletically, graduates who have served and led extraordinarily at schools all over central Mississippi. We are so excited about the opportunity to continue building on our foundation for four more years.
We want to faithfully lean into what the Lord has in store for us. Our school verse for this year comes from Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and the rivers in the desert.” Over the next months, you will hear from various school leaders who will share their plans, their convictions, and their hearts. Our wheels are turning, and we want to keep you informed.
As always, we appreciate your partnership with us. We also appreciate that you are in a position to choose amongst some great schools in town. Schools that do academics and extracurricular well. CCS will continue to do the same but with all of the Biblical worldview components that set students up for success in culture and in life. These are components that set CCS apart and truly set your student apart. Please engage us as you think through your student’s future. Please reach out for meetings. I would love to hear from you and walk with you.
So much is in motion, even things unseen, and progress is encouraging and exciting!
Malcolm Saxon, Dean of Students