Nine years ago, my husband Bill and I sat where many of you are today, considering the decision of where to send our youngest son to high school. A 14-year-old has an entire life ahead of him, yet somehow the high school decision feels like the first big thing. As Christian parents of covenant children, we seek to help our children navigate this by making decisions based on the reality of who they are today and the possibilities of who they could become in the future.
What is your desire for your child and the goal for their future? Nearly a decade later, I reflect on my own goals for my son: demanding academic programs, innovative extracurricular activities, experiences that would enrich his life and build his resume, honor programs that would help him stand out in college admissions, opportunities that would enable him to mature and grow as a young man, friends that would remain strong in their faith. Those were high challenges and admirable pursuits, but if I could go back in time and talk to myself, my advice would be this: at the end of high school and beyond, the one thing that you will care about above all else can be summed up in 3 John 1:4 –
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Awards, grades, trophies, scholarships, jobs, or friendships – none can compare to the joy of a child that finds his identity in Jesus.
From the outside, our high school will look a lot like other independent schools. We will have a rigorous curriculum and extra help for those who need it. We will compete in the athletic arena and in academic competitions. Our students will perform on stages and engage in local, state, and national communities through service projects and mission opportunities. They will travel and experience places beyond our local community. The difference will be that they will do these things under the guidance of committed followers of Jesus and alongside other covenant children.
It’s been exciting to consider all of the possibilities for our new high school. Extensive research and planning have gone into every phase of the decisions being made and we have already begun some new programming this year. We can say with confidence that our plans for the CCS Upper School include:
Standardized Test Preparation – Trained faculty will embed test-taking strategies into the curriculum and continuous practice will be a part of each course as they apply to the corresponding sections of the ACT, SAT, and PSAT. Our philosophy is that it is vital that all students receive training in standardized test preparation. There are an abundance of college scholarships available to students in the ACT 32-36 range (and corresponding SAT); however, there is great value to the student who achieves scores in the mid to upper 20’s for scholarships, college admissions, and honors program eligibility.
Honors Track – Academic rigor is important, and Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment programs will be available to our high school students. These programs will help students prepare for the rigors of college curriculum as well as earn college credit while in high school.
Academic Counseling – Close attention is being paid to the Mississippi Department of Education requirements as well as the Mississippi College and Career-Readiness Standards to ensure that all students are on track to graduate on time and with the desired distinction level.
College Counseling – Dedicated time will be spent with each student to consider post high school options and examine programs offered, campus life, and cost of attendance.
Elective Options – CCS is committed to consistently offering proven programs that have value to our students as well as an innovative curriculum that will best prepare them for life and academia after high school.
Clubs and Organizations – This will be a place where all students will be continually challenged to “find their niche” and contribute to the community. For this reason, clubs and organizations will be determined by student interest. Our faculty and staff are committed to sponsoring and encouraging students, as they mature in their minds and spirits, to be involved in those things that interest them and to support one another by contributing to groups that their peers are passionate about.
Travel – These trips will expose students to places and cultures different from what they experience in their daily lives. CCS will continue to intentionally pursue travel opportunities that align with our Biblical worldview. As our high school students mature, educational trips and mission trips will be offered to stretch and grow them in deeper ways. In addition to field trips throughout the state of Mississippi and within close driving distance throughout the southern U.S., we anticipate offering one trip per year in the following cycle:
-Historical and U.S. Government Class field trip to the Washington, D.C. area
-Mission trip within the United States or International mission supported by Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church
-International trip focused on Foreign Language or Spiritual Formation Class curriculum
As parents, we can point to our own valleys of life and the provisions of the Lord. We can recall victories that were made sweeter by acknowledging God’s enabling of our accomplishments and granting our abilities. An immeasurable value is found in a community of believers pouring into students. They mentor as they appropriately admonish in times of adolescent misbehavior and look for opportunities to cheer on the students whose victories are not always obvious. Our faculty is made up of all types of people with a variety of gifts and talents who share this common bond. We are sinners saved by grace, called to work alongside parents who desire to raise up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
This is not a 3 John 1:4 guarantee, but it is an opportunity. We want to provide opportunities that will allow our children to learn, grow, and make mistakes under the guidance of adults who are bold in their faith and seek to encourage children in their walk with the Lord. We believe that CCS Upper School will have a depth of experiences and that the possibilities are as endless as the creative minds of the children we will reach. We seek to help our students pursue the calling that the Lord has on each of their lives, and our prayer is that as a graduate of Christ Covenant School, they would “love the Lord, think biblically, and glorify God in every area of life.”
Cheri Creel, Student Affairs Director