
    Christ Covenant School is utilizing the Ascend platform to assist in our returning to school safely. Ascend is a HIPAA certified, AI-driven predictive COVID risk assessment tool. If you have not received your login for Ascend, please double check your email spam folder. If you need assistance, please contact Julie Golson – Ascend Login Since going on winter break, some users have experienced problems accessing Ascend. To correct this, users will need to clear their internet browser cache. The correct URL/link is There are sporadic instances when users input the correct link – but their internet browser redirects them to, which will not open. To fix that redirecting problem, users and admins will need to clear their browser cache.   More Info on Clearing Internet Browser Cache When people use a web browser, like Chrome, it saves information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, including getting users to the correct link for Ascend: Here are some links to help with that process, but if someone uses a different browser, please consult your own browser’s documentation to read up on how to properly clear your cache. iPhone: Android: Chrome browser: